Bank of Maharashtra: Share Price Targets and Company Overview

I am writing to the requested information of this bank and this bank is about to achieve Bank of Maharashtra going to share about IPO targets. The Maharashtra bank has secured a stable financial segment since it was established as a public sector bank, founded in the year 1935. We have faith in the renewal of the economy by selling our shares to a substantial percentage of people.

Current Share Price

All the rules as per the National Stock Exchange (NSE) decided that Bank of Maharashtra share price be being 54.18 INR on the 18th of March 2022, theional Stock Exchange (NST) and it is merely a gateway for data on trading and could also be represented due to the score of 47.6689 at the close.

Share Price Targets

We have price targets for the next years which are the following:

    • 2024: ₹75
    • 2025: ₹93
    • 2026: ₹109
    • 2027: ₹138
    • 2028: ₹157
    • 2029: ₹182
    • 2030: ₹205

Key Factors Influencing Our Growth

The points are identified below:

    • Indian Economy building back from the ashes and hence our market will grow.
    • Banking without the bank, along with our partners, takes us to one step ahead with the digital up-gradation movement.
    • The management of non-performing assets will continue the value-driven culture of our Bank of Maharastra.
    • The norms channel geopolitical economic dynamics through federal regulations like the stress tests, capitalization ratio, and license issuance by the FDIC fostering steady growth.
    • The importance of cooperation by using technology to create the biggest Fintech benefits the rapid development of the market.
    • Meanwhile the bank is not only focusing on the branchless operations alone, but adoption of some new technologies like AI are also progressing merrily.
    • Our Bank is also into diversification as we are no longer just a bank but also provide facilities and invest with sustainability and environment in mind.
    • We are also aware of our sustainability responsibilities and ensure that our business is set up in a way that we have a positive impact on our society.

Financial Performance

Our trade balance for the previous year shows these results:

    • Revenue: 88.71 billion INR (35.95% increase from previous year)
    • Net income: 40.72 billion INR (56.31% growth over previous year)
    • Net profit margin: 45.90%


Moreover, as a bank, the Bank of Maharashtra has displayed good financial results and we have followed all the possible ways of growth and development. We are of the humble opinion that these probable profits are made in connection with our present conditions, although these can be subject to alterations due to factors beyond the realm of instant perception.

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